Tuesday, January 26, 2010

50 Scholarships for PhD study in the School of Informatics, Edinburgh University, Scotland

Around 50 research scholarships are available each year to new PhD students.

Many of these are full scholarships, paying tuition fees, research costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses, currently £13,290 per year, rising in subsequent years. The rest are partial scholarships, paying tuition fees and research costs and/or a contribution towards living expenses. Because the scholarships cover fees at UK/EU rate, overseas students should also apply for an Overseas Research Student Award to cover the remainder of the fee.

These scholarships include:

In addition to the above we nominate two of our most promising second-year PhD students for IBM PhD fellowships. Students cannot apply for these directly.

Informatics Overseas Prize Scholarships are awarded to a few of our most promising new overseas PhD students each year. They provide an extra £1000 per year for living costs on top of any other funding that is offered.

For information about all of these funding opportunities, please consult our PhD funding FAQ.

Source: http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/resscholarships.html

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