Friday, January 15, 2010

20 SICSA prize studentship in Computer Science and Informatics at Scotland

Application Deadline: 28th February, 2010

The Scottish Graduate Academy offers prize studentships to excellent candidates from across the world. There is no residence qualification and candidates from any country may apply.
We are willing to consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas:

Next-generation Internet
Multi-modal interaction
Modelling and abstraction
Complex systems engineering

Some universities would like to recruit students for specific projects and information about these projects is available here. However, your application does not have to be related to any of these projects and you may make a research proposal in any area of work.
Students must have or must expect to be awarded a 1st class honours degree, an MSc with Distinction or equivalent GPA scores. We will normally reject your application if you have not achieved this level of qualification.

How to apply

Applications for 2010 studentships should be made on-line using the On-line Application System. You must register with our application system before submitting an application. Please read the instructions below BEFORE filling in the form and make sure that you have all the information that we need.
You may list up to three Scottish universities that you would like to consider your application. You must submit an application to your preferred (1st choice) University, using their application procedures, and your SICSA prize studentship application will not be considered until you have done this. You do not need to submit an application to your 2nd or 3rd choices universities - we will contact you if necessary about these.

Your SICSA prize studentship application MUST include:

details of your undergraduate qualifications (and MSc qualifications if you have them)
your preferred SICSA Institution/s.
a copy of the transcript of your marks, which you must upload as an attachment
a research proposal, which you must upload as an attachment

You may include details of any industrial experience you have which is relevant to your application and your SICSA research proposal and you may upload a list of publications (if you have had any of your work published.

You will not be asked to upload copies of your references, nor submit details of your referees. If a university wishes to nominate you for a SICSA studentship, they will forward the references they have received as part of your application to the Graduate Academy Board.

To be considered in March 2010, applications must be received by the deadline of 28th February 2010. Remember, you have to fill in both a university application form and a SICSA prize studentship application form.
Information for current applicants

Selection of candidates is by a competitive process where we look at the student's academic achievements, referees reports, research proposal, publications and experience. The research proposal is particularly important as this helps us judge how well a candidate has thought about their research, how well the research fits with themes and the potential cross-site supervisory arrangements.

Your studentship application will be considered by the universities that you have listed in your application. They will decide, on the basis of the information in your application, if they wish to nominate you for a SICSA studentship. If they do so, your application will be considered by the Graduate Academy Board.

Your first choice university may decide not to nominate your application for a studentship. In this case, your details will be passed to any other universities that you have included in your application and they may decide to support your application. Applications from students who are not nominated by one of the SICSA partners will not be considered for a prize studentship.
Our aim is to make offers of prize studentships by the end of March 2010 and, for the 2nd round of applications, by the end of May 2010.

Further information
How to write a SICSA research proposal.
FAQs about SICSA studentship applications
On-line application system

The links below tell you how to apply to each Scottish university that is a member of SICSA.
Aberdeen University
Abertay University
Dundee University
University of Edinburgh
Glasgow University
Heriot-Watt University
Robert Gordon University
St Andrews University
Stirling University
Strathclyde University


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