Saturday, November 28, 2009

PhD student position in Microwave Electronics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Application deadline 2009-12-18


Reference number REF 2009/203

Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2 is announcing three PhD student positions and one post-doc position in microwave electronics.

Microwave Electronics Laboratory at MC2 is one of the most research-intense laboratories at Chalmers with an international reputation in low-noise, high power and circuit design for high frequencies from 1 GHz up to 340 GHz. Much of our research is carried out with industrial partners.

Job description

Research education in digital transmitters for LTE and beyond. Increasing efficiency in novel innovative transmitter architectures by design and modelling research.


Suitable background is a MSc in Engineering Physics (F) or Electrical Engineering. We are encouraging women to apply for this position.

Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position

  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents

  3. Curriculum Vitae

  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (REF 2009/203) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

Professor Jan Grahn
+46 31-772 1055
+46 730-34 62 99

Professor Herbert Zirath
+46 31-772 1852
+46 73-0346401


fahim said...

Could anybody please tell me about the scholarship amout??

Bangladesh Scholarship said...

Not sure about this specific project but it varies between 18,000 to 25,000 SEK (before tax).

You can write them directly asking the amount.