Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Call for applications to the Graduate School in Chemical Engineering, Finland

Application Deadline: 10/08/2010

The Graduate School in Chemical Engineering, GSCE, is an opportunity for you to continue your studies in Chemical Engineering and receive a Ph.D. within four years. The GSCE is a post graduate program supported by the Academy of Finland and the Ministry of Education and jointly organised by:

• Åbo Akademi University
• Aalto University School of Science and Technology
• Lappeenranta University of Technology
• University of Oulu

The Graduate School Program Offers
• unique course programThe laboratories involved at the participating universities offer tailor-made courses in a number of special topics within the area of chemical engineering.
• annual progress reviewsThe activities within the Graduate School include annual seminars where the stu-dents present the progress of their research work.

These annual reports are pub-lished in the Graduate School Yearbook.Today, the program involves about 45 doctoral students from several different countries, and all the courses are held in English.

Applicants should have at least a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering or receive their degree before August 1, 2010.

In this particular application round you can apply for a position at the GSCE with salary paid by the GSCE. Positions for students with other funding are not available in this round. The applicant must be qualified to pursue doctoral studies at one of the participating laboratories at the four universities.

The new positions at the GSCE start on August 1, 2010. The maximum funding period is four years (48 months). We are at the moment able to guarantee your funding until the end of the present period of the Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (until December 31, 2011). In case you have already started your doctoral studies and want to join the GSCE, you should indicate in your application and research plan how far your work has progressed, and how many months you and your supervisor expect will be needed until your studies are finished.

The application deadline is June 18, 2010. The application must contain the following items in English:
• completed application form (available at : http://www.abo.fi/gsce)
• curriculum vitae
• copies of relevant diplomas (both BSc and MSc, if available)
• a report of previous PhD studies, if relevant
• a letter of commitment by a participating GSCE supervisor
• a summary of the research plan, with the approval of a supervising professor

The GSCE also wants to promote PhD study experience abroad. The GSCE is able to give some additional financial support to students planning to absolve part of their studies abroad. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, the stay abroad should be included in your research/study plan and be approved by your supervising professor. Please indicate in which country (and at what university) you will be studying and for what length of time (between 2-12 months). Applications should be submitted to the Board of the Graduate School in Chemical Engineering, c/o Maria Ljung (see address below). The Board of the Graduate School will make the final selection of the students on June 29, 2010.

Additional information can be obtained from:

Program DirectorProf. Mikko Hupa, Åbo Akademi University, Biskopsgatan 8, FI-20500 ÅboTel. +358 2 215 4454 +358 2 215 4454, e-mail: Mikko.Hupa@abo.fi
Program Co-ordinationMaria Ljung, Åbo Akademi University, Biskopsgatan 8, FI-20500 ÅboTel. +358 2 215 4831 +358 2 215 4831, e-mail: Maria.Ljung@abo.fi
Local Co-ordinators and GSCE Board Members:Aalto University School of Science and Technology: Prof. Ville Alopaeus, P.O. Box 6100, FI-02015 TKKPhone: +358 9 470 22630 +358 9 470 22630, e-mail: Ville.Alopaeus@tkk.fi
Lappeenranta University of Technology: Prof. Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen, P.O. Box 20, FI-53851 LAPPEENRANTA Phone: +358 5 621 2187 +358 5 621 2187, e-mail: Marjatta.Louhi@lut.fi
University of Oulu: Prof. Juha Tanskanen, P.O. Box 4300, FI-90014 UNIVERSITY OF OULUPhone: +358 8 553 2340 +358 8 553 2340, e-mail: Juha.Tanskanen@oulu.fi

Monday, July 12, 2010

15 Fully funded PhD Places available in Biomedical Imaging

Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering applied to Imaging in Biomedical Sciences

University of Birmingham - PSIBS Doctoral Training Centre

PSIBS at The University of Birmingham is offering the opportunity for MSc and PhD study at the interface between the different disciplines of physical sciences, computer sciences and biomedicine, providing a career route for graduates to the imaging industry and pushing the boundaries of this field to improve health care.

15 fully-funded EPSRC studentships (tax-free stipend of £13,290 per annum) are available for Home/EU students to begin this inter-disciplinary four-year programme in Biomedical Imaging in October 2010.

For a programme overview please visit: www.psibs.bham.ac.uk/programme

Applications are open to students that have, or expect to obtain, a good 2:1 (Hons) or 1st class degree (or equivalent EU/overseas degree) in a wide variety of different scientific disciplines including chemistry, physics, computer sciences, engineering and natural sciences.

To learn more please visit www.psibs.bham.ac.uk or to arrange an informal meeting please contact:

Helen Williams
Email: h.m.williams.1@bham.ac.uk
Tel: 0121 414 8808