Tuesday, January 26, 2010

50 Scholarships for PhD study in the School of Informatics, Edinburgh University, Scotland

Around 50 research scholarships are available each year to new PhD students.

Many of these are full scholarships, paying tuition fees, research costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses, currently £13,290 per year, rising in subsequent years. The rest are partial scholarships, paying tuition fees and research costs and/or a contribution towards living expenses. Because the scholarships cover fees at UK/EU rate, overseas students should also apply for an Overseas Research Student Award to cover the remainder of the fee.

These scholarships include:

In addition to the above we nominate two of our most promising second-year PhD students for IBM PhD fellowships. Students cannot apply for these directly.

Informatics Overseas Prize Scholarships are awarded to a few of our most promising new overseas PhD students each year. They provide an extra £1000 per year for living costs on top of any other funding that is offered.

For information about all of these funding opportunities, please consult our PhD funding FAQ.

Source: http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/resscholarships.html

Thursday, January 21, 2010

5 PhD student positions in Basic Sciences at Chalmers University Sweden

Application deadline 2010-02-15

Reference number 2009/212

Welcome to Basic Sciences

– an area that is fundamental to Chalmers and seven promising young researchers
What it can do for the world

Providing a nursery for the pure sciences, this area seeks to take responsibility for the continued progress and development of the university’s scientific foundation. Providing deep insight within core disciplines, the basic sciences are also a source of nourishment to the applied sciences and, ultimately, to society at large.

What we’re building on

Pure physics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry and computer science provide a large part of our platform. We are an eclectic group of researchers dedicated to answering the calls of our chosen sciences. Some are leading experts in such specialised fields that our closest colleagues are on the other side of the planet. This is the nature of studying the universe.

Our fundamental physics research group addresses questions within elementary particle physics and mathematical physics. And in particular, within string theory and supersymmetric field theories, where both formal issues and future applications in other bordering fields are investigated. Engaged in large experimental facilities such as CERN in Geneva and GSI/FAIR in Darmstadt, the group also explores subatomic physics, nuclear astrophysics, and many-body systems.

The driving force behind our geoscience research is to understand the Earth system - which in turn provides a basic knowledge for a sustainable future. Present research includes the atmospheric water cycle, volcano and industrial emissions, ozone depletion, forest biomass, sea ice, and the crust, rotation and interior of the Earth.

The research we perform in Mathematics comprises complex analytic geometry, algebraic geometry, harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, analytic number theory, and discrete mathematics – or probability theory. We also have close collaborations with theoretical computer science in the areas of combinatorics, discrete mathematics, probability and logic.

The Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics group works closely with the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy at Onsala Space Observatory. Areas of research include the evolution of galaxies with emphasis on starbursts and active galactic nuclei, cosmology, formation of stars and planets, late stages of stellar evolution, and astrochemistry.

The Theoretical Chemistry group focuses on fundamental perspectives on principle chemical reactions such as catalysis, high-temperature corrosion, and bio-nano-photo-voltaics. Areas of research also include contributions to fundamental quantum chemistry and an "octet rule" is developed for predicting new superconducting materials.

Our research in Theoretical Computer Science is within the areas of algorithms, logic, formalization of mathematics, and programming language theory. Our research is performed in close contact with neighbouring sciences, such as mathematics, philosophy, biology, and linguistics.
Where would you take it next?

If you are drawn to understanding the laws of the universe, if you think that your research might help us to fortify our foundations within one or more of the fundamental sciences, then please don’t hesitate in sending us your Assistant Professor or PhD application. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Process Overview

Last day to submit applications is February 15, 2010. During February and March, the applicants fulfilling the set of basic criteria will be evaluated. Interviews with top ranked candidates will take place in March and April 2010.
The position

The successful candidate will conduct doctoral studies within the fundamental sciences, in line with the intentions described in the application. The position will be placed at the department of the candidate’s choice.

The position is limited to maximum five years and corresponds to full-time research studies during four years. In addition, teaching in the undergraduate or masters curricula at Chalmers could be included corresponding to one year, teaching work distributed over the whole time of the position.

The specific aim of the five year period is for the PhD student to develop a high degree of independence and a general problem solving ability to make a continued successful carrier in either academia or industry possible.

Chalmers University of Technology offers an attractive working environment characterized by equal rights and opportunities for everybody.
Required qualifications

As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are needed. This is why we are looking for creative and independent candidates with documented analytical capacity and excellent language skills. Leadership and organizational skills are also valuable abilities. Depending on PhD-project, a suitable background is a university masters degree in either physics, engineering physics, astronomy physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry or chemical engineering.

Applicants should:

  • have the potential to perform high quality research in the research field
  • be devoted to developing a study plan in line with the vision “Chalmers for a sustainable future”
  • be open-minded and interested in collaborating across borders within and outside Chalmers
  • have an interest in teaching and supervising undergraduate students
How to write your application

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of two A4 pages containing your specific qualifications for the position and a description of which area you would like to study and why, if appointed. Note: At the first page, your name, your university degree incl subject(s), name and web-address to the university of your masters degree should be evident.
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  4. Letters of support (see instructions, no more than 2 letters) and name of reference persons

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Further information

Please contact Professor Bengt E W Nilsson, phone: +46 31 772 3160, e-mail: tfebn@chalmers.se
Union representatives

* SACO: Jan Lindér
* ST: Marie Wenander
* SEKO: Johan Persson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Source: Link

Saturday, January 16, 2010

10 PhD scholarship in Chemical Engineering at BIG-NSE, Germany

Deadline: 15/03/2010

The newly-founded “Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering” (BIG-NSE) is offering ten three-year scholarships for a PhD in Berlin in the field of Catalysis. The lastest deadline for applications was March 15 2009 for applicants who wished to be considered for a BIG-NSE scholarship. The next deadline is March 15 2010.

The entry requirements for the BIG-NSE are:

* A Master‘s degree or German Diploma in chemistry, biology, physics or engineering.
* A Certificate of English Proficiency (TOEFL with a minimum of 550 - paper-based version -, or equivalent) for applicants whose native language is neither English nor German.
* Two letters of recommendation.

The BIG-NSE offers a structured curricu­lum for obtaining the degree of “Doctor” within 3 years. The main characteristic of the BIG-NSE is a comprehensive integration and mentoring programme for its students, espe­cially foreign students. It includes:

* An “Initial Phase”, with intensive support, especially for administrative and integration aspects.
* Preparation of a schedule by the students themselves during the first semester.
* Continuous supervision by two professors/senior scientists and one mentor.
* Regular evaluation of the students’ work/study achievements.
* Continuous support for all professional and social aspects.
* Regular lectures presented by renowned guest scientists from all over the world.
* Language and soft skill courses.
* Financial support for scientific and teaching materials.

The School is part of the Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis” (UniCat – see http://www.unicat.tu-berlin.de/) founded in November 2007 by the TUB and five further Institutions in the Berlin area within the fra­mework of the German government‘s “Excellence Initiative”.

The main research interest of the UniCat and BIG-NSE Faculty is “Catalysis”, in a broad sense. The research fields involved cover a broad range of topics, from natural sciences to engineering. The faculty consists of internationally renowned professors and junior researchers from 54 research groups at 6 participating institutions and active in 13 research fields, who will be intensively involved in the supervision and mentoring of the BIG-NSE students.

More information on the application process here.

Source: http://www.big-nse.tu-berlin.de/index.php?id=402

Friday, January 15, 2010

20 SICSA prize studentship in Computer Science and Informatics at Scotland

Application Deadline: 28th February, 2010

The Scottish Graduate Academy offers prize studentships to excellent candidates from across the world. There is no residence qualification and candidates from any country may apply.
We are willing to consider applicants in any area of computer science and informatics but may give preference to students who are working in SICSA theme areas:

Next-generation Internet
Multi-modal interaction
Modelling and abstraction
Complex systems engineering

Some universities would like to recruit students for specific projects and information about these projects is available here. However, your application does not have to be related to any of these projects and you may make a research proposal in any area of work.
Students must have or must expect to be awarded a 1st class honours degree, an MSc with Distinction or equivalent GPA scores. We will normally reject your application if you have not achieved this level of qualification.

How to apply

Applications for 2010 studentships should be made on-line using the On-line Application System. You must register with our application system before submitting an application. Please read the instructions below BEFORE filling in the form and make sure that you have all the information that we need.
You may list up to three Scottish universities that you would like to consider your application. You must submit an application to your preferred (1st choice) University, using their application procedures, and your SICSA prize studentship application will not be considered until you have done this. You do not need to submit an application to your 2nd or 3rd choices universities - we will contact you if necessary about these.

Your SICSA prize studentship application MUST include:

details of your undergraduate qualifications (and MSc qualifications if you have them)
your preferred SICSA Institution/s.
a copy of the transcript of your marks, which you must upload as an attachment
a research proposal, which you must upload as an attachment

You may include details of any industrial experience you have which is relevant to your application and your SICSA research proposal and you may upload a list of publications (if you have had any of your work published.

You will not be asked to upload copies of your references, nor submit details of your referees. If a university wishes to nominate you for a SICSA studentship, they will forward the references they have received as part of your application to the Graduate Academy Board.

To be considered in March 2010, applications must be received by the deadline of 28th February 2010. Remember, you have to fill in both a university application form and a SICSA prize studentship application form.
Information for current applicants

Selection of candidates is by a competitive process where we look at the student's academic achievements, referees reports, research proposal, publications and experience. The research proposal is particularly important as this helps us judge how well a candidate has thought about their research, how well the research fits with themes and the potential cross-site supervisory arrangements.

Your studentship application will be considered by the universities that you have listed in your application. They will decide, on the basis of the information in your application, if they wish to nominate you for a SICSA studentship. If they do so, your application will be considered by the Graduate Academy Board.

Your first choice university may decide not to nominate your application for a studentship. In this case, your details will be passed to any other universities that you have included in your application and they may decide to support your application. Applications from students who are not nominated by one of the SICSA partners will not be considered for a prize studentship.
Our aim is to make offers of prize studentships by the end of March 2010 and, for the 2nd round of applications, by the end of May 2010.

Further information
How to write a SICSA research proposal.
FAQs about SICSA studentship applications
On-line application system

The links below tell you how to apply to each Scottish university that is a member of SICSA.
Aberdeen University
Abertay University
Dundee University
University of Edinburgh
Glasgow University
Heriot-Watt University
Robert Gordon University
St Andrews University
Stirling University
Strathclyde University

source: http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/graduate-academy/prize-studentships/applying-for-a-sicsa-prize-studentship

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

14 PhD fellowship in life Science and BioInformatics in Italy.

Application Deadline: 31st January 2010.

Source: http://www.fondazioneedmundmach.it/sperimentazione_context.jsp?ID_LINK=3594&area=6

14 PhD Fellowships starting in spring 2010
Talented and motivated candidates who have, or are expecting to obtain by end of July 2010 a Master or equivalent degree in Life Sciences and Bioinformatics, are invited to submit their application by 31st January 2010.

The candidates can postulate for one to three specific projects. Each project is developed as a collaboration between researchers at the Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) and one of the other partner institutions.

The official language is English

About the conditions of the Fellowships
For this first call, the FEM will sponsor all 14 fellowships. Selected candidates will spend a total of 2 years work at FEM and 1 year at the partner institution co-responsible for the specific PhD project. Successful candidates can start working on their project from April 2010.

Note that the GMPF PhD programme does not handle request for registration as PhD student. FEM is a research Foundation and cannot issue the PhD degree. Therefore successful candidates will have to register as PhD students with the university partner of the project or with another university.

Fellows students will have 1 year time from when the fellowships starts to register as PhD students. If at the end of the first year the selected candidate is not yet registered as PhD, the fellowship will stop.

The graduate studies curricula are carried out according to the rules of the University where the candidate is enrolled as PhD student. In addition to the graduate certificate of the University hosting the PhD student, the GMPF PhD Programme issues a specific graduate study certificate.

The salary is 20.000 Euro per year (before taxes) and is provided for 3 years with the possibility to extend for 1 more year, pending the approval of the Tutor Committee. Students will also benefit of bench fees and reimbursement for travelling to the other institutions.

The applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent from a university in the field of Life Sciences and Bioinformatics. It is also possible to apply when the master's degree is received within six month after the application deadline (31st July). In this case please provide a copy of your Bachelor's degree or an academic transcript.

To apply, send by e-mail the application form, your cv (1 page) and at least 1 referee form duly completed and signed to: gmpf@iasma.it.
Please inform your referee/s early enough to give your referee/s enough time to transmit the letter of recommendation!Only .pdf files are allowed! (free online PDF converter)

Assessment and selection procedure

Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their curriculum and of the letter(s) of recommendation. Short-listed candidates will be informed 3 weeks after the call has closed and invited for a two-day interview to be held at FEM in San Michele all’Adige (Italy) in March 2010 (specific dates will be given soon).
Call in Nature 12_09 - file pdf, 1.331 Kb
Application_form - file word, 108 Kb
Referee Form - file word, 149 Kb

Monday, January 11, 2010

Four doctoral student positions in Law at Uppsala University Sweden

Application deadline on 1 March 2010.

Source: http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/2411dorand_eng.html

At the Department of Law from 1 September 2010.

An employed doctoral student shall, foremost, be devoted to his or her own postgraduate research. Other duties at the faculty which relate to teaching and administrative work may be included within the scope of the employment (to a maximum of 20%).

A requirement for employment as doctoral student is that the applicant must be admitted to postgraduate studies. To this extent, the applicant’s ability to successfully complete the doctoral studies will be decisive. The regulations governing the employment of doctoral students may be found in Chapter 5, §§ 1-7 of the Higher Education Ordinance. Local guidelines are established for setting the salary.

A person may be employed as a doctoral student for a maximum of eight years, but no longer than the equivalent of four years of full-time postgraduate research study.
All applications must be in writing and should include the following:
completed application forms for admission to postgraduate studies, and employment as doctoral student (forms available on the faculty website www.jur.uu.se/ under “Research education”),
a signed and witnessed curriculum vitae,
certified copies of degrees obtained and other relevant documents,
a description of the doctoral project with a time schedule for the entire period of study, and
a substantial piece of written work e.g. undergraduate degree final essay (or similar),
all documents attached to the application should be translated into English or Swedish.

Further information may be obtained from:
Torbjörn Ingvarsson,
Director of Studies,
phone: +46 18-471 2019 +46 18-471 2019,
e-mail: Torbjorn.Ingvarsson@jur.uu.se


Christina Andersson,
phone: +46 18-471 2054 +46 18-471 2054,
e-mail: Christina.Andersson@jur.uu.se

Union representatives are:
Anders Grundström, SACO Council, phone: +46 18-471 5380 +46 18-471 5380,
Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, phone: +46 18-471 1996 +46 18-471 1996, and
Stefan Djurström +46 18-471 3315 +46 18-471 3315.

The application should be sent , preferrably by e-mail to: registrator@uu.se, or by fax + 46 18 471 2000,
or by mail to:
Registrar´s Office,
Uppsala University,
Box 256, SE-751 05
In any correspondence, please use the reference number UFV-PA 2009/2411.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

PhD Studentships in Political Science at Trinity College, Ireland

Application Deadline: 1st March, 2010

PhD programme in Political Sciene

University of Dublin, Trinity College - Department of Political Science

Fully-funded studentships are available for study in the PhD programme in Political Science at Trinity College Dublin, paying tuition plus financial support of up to €15,000 per year. Application for this financial support is automatically considered as part of the normal admissions process. The Department of Political Science normally admits six students per year, and typically provides financial support in the form of tuition grants, stipends, teaching and research assistantships, and support for postgraduate conference and research travel.

Our four-year doctoral programme is designed to give students the highest level of training to become scholars at the forefront of the discipline. Most of our Ph.D. graduates have gone on to careers in research and teaching at established universities, while others have gone on to careers in government and business.

The Department of Political Science at Trinity ranks among the best political science departments in the world according to independent evaluations of its research and teaching (e.g. in the global ranking of political science departments conducted by Professor Simon Hix at the London School of Economics). Ph.D. researchers also benefit from the Department’s strong links with Institute for International Integration Studies at Trinity College Dublin. This Institute brings together researchers from different disciplines to study international integration. In addition, the Department is involved in the Dublin School of Social Sciences, which provides graduate training in collaboration with University College Dublin.

The doctoral programme is designed to impart substantive knowledge about politics, and to train students in the techniques, including quantitative methods, necessary to recognize, design and implement cutting-edge research. The writing of a dissertation of original research follows a rigorous training in how to design and conduct research.

We seek outstanding and motivated graduates for entry to our doctoral programme in September 2010. Applicants are particularly welcome from students who wish to conduct research in areas in which the Department has particular research strengths: comparative European politics, European Union politics and policies, European law, American politics (especially legislative and judicial politics), Irish politics, political economy, political institutions, public policies, electoral systems, political parties, legislative politics, public opinion and electoral behaviour, international law, international organisation, conflict in developing countries, political geography, and political theory. The Department also invites applications from students whose research develops innovative quantitative methods, such as the quantitative analysis of political texts, as this is another strong area of research among staff.

Prospective students are encouraged to consult the webpages of members of staff and to email individual staff members who could be potential supervisors for their Ph.D. dissertations with brief outlines of their research proposal. General enquiries may be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. William Phelan (phelanw@tcd.ie). Further details of the Ph.D. programme can be found at http://www.tcd.ie/Political_Science/postgraduate/phdindex.php and Frequently Asked Questions are answered here: http://www.tcd.ie/Political_Science/postgraduate/FAQ.php

The deadline for applications to the doctoral programme for entry in September 2010 is March 1st 2010. Students who require an early decision on their entry to the doctoral programme are encouraged to contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

20 MPhil/ PhD Studentships in Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Exeter, UK

Application deadline: 13.00 GMT on Friday 12th March 2010


The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is delighted to offer up to 20 full studentships for MPhil and PhD students. These awards are available to students studying for programmes in one of our departments in 2010/11. This includes the Politics Department, which also takes in International Relations and Middle East Politics.

These prestigious awards are worth over £49,500 for home/EU students and £70,000 for international students over three years. The awards cover:

  • Direct payment of tuition fees (at either the standard UK/EU rate or International rate)

  • Research council equivalent maintenance allowance for accommodation and living expenses. In 2009/10 this was £13,290 p.a; the 2010/11 allowance will be announced later in the year.

Please note: Recipients of all internal awards are expected to contribute up to 80 hours per year to teaching, research/clerical support or as International Ambassador in return for their award.


The School of Humanities and Social Sciences will also be offering up to 15 bursaries for MPhil and PhD students. Again, these awards are available to students studying for programmes in one of our departments in 2010/11, including the Politics Department. These awards are worth £21,000 over three years. Each student will receive a £7000/year grant towards the costs of a PhD for a maximum of three years. Fees are still payable at the Home/EU or International rate as appropriate.

Please note: Recipients of all internal awards are expected to contribute up to 80 hours per year to teaching, research/clerical support or as International Ambassador in return for their award.

Who is eligible for the awards?

Studentships and bursaries are open to full-time and part-time students from the UK/EU and overseas who are studying for programmes in one of the departments listed above in 2010/11. These awards are open to students studying at both the Streatham and Tremough campuses. For part-time students the payments will be on a pro-rata basis.

The awards will only be made to those applicants who go on to enrol within one of the Departments listed above in October 2010. Awards are payable in instalments on enrolment and continuation is subject to satisfactory annual progression.

How do I apply?

The application process for both the studentships and the bursaries is the same process:

  1. You need to complete the Application Form for Humanities & Social Sciences Scholarships & Bursaries and submit it to Elizabeth Hull at (huss-pgadmissions@exeter.ac.uk) by 13.00 GMT on Friday 12th March 2010.

Important note: If you have applied for an AHRC Doctoral Competition award in the School of Humanities & Social Sciences or the Politics ESRC Quota award - advertised separately on this website - you will automatically be considered for this competition and you do not need to complete the separate form above.

  1. As for all of our awards, you must have also applied to the university via the normal university application form. Please make sure your application includes two academic references. You must have applied to the University and have submitted all your supporting documents by Friday 12th March 2010 to be eligible, so please submit your application form as soon as possible.

Further Information

Please visit the Scholarships and Bursaries web pages for full information, and direct any queries to the School of Humanities & Social Sciences Graduate School: huss-pgadmissions@exeter.ac.uk / Tel. + 44 (0)1392 724490.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

PhD Scholarship in Management at Aarhus University , Denmark

Deadline: 1st February, 2010

Source: http://www.asb.dk/article.aspx?pid=24069

The Department of Management at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, has an opening for a PhD scholarship as of 1 March 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Over the past few years, entrepreneurship has become an area of increased strategic interest and the entrepreneurship research group at The Department of Management therefore invites applicants for a position as PhD student. This particular position is within the area of entrepreneurship and regional development and is funded by the Regional Development Council.

The PhD student will be joining a dedicated and vibrant group of senior and junior researchers in entrepreneurship from both the business school and the university. S/he will be expected to partake in events arranged by the group and in writing of academic articles alone and with members of the group, and to communicate research results to the public. A successful international applicant is expected to acquire a basic working knowledge of Danish during the early period of the PhD position.

The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate a strong interest and some prior knowledge in entrepreneurship theory. We value methodological plurality. Earlier experience with working in an academic environment from a position as research assistant will be preferable.

PhD students in Denmark work under very favourable terms: They are employed on a full-time basis for three years, and the salary is sufficient to cover all necessary accommodation and living costs and to lead an active life. A PhD student does not pay university fees.

PhD students at Aarhus School of Business (ASB), work under almost the same terms as other research staff, i.e. they have their own office space with a computer, incl. Internet access, email, phone etc., as well as access to secretarial assistance etc. Moreover, expenses in connection with the scientific work are covered, e.g. participation in research courses and academic conferences in Denmark and abroad.

There are also good and well-paid job opportunities in Denmark for people with a PhD degree, both within and outside the university sector.

A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another – often foreign – research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences. In addition, it is expected that PhD students participate in and contribute to the other activities of the department.

Conditions of employment
The PhD fellowship has duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the fellowship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.

The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please look here.

If you have any questions about the fellowship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, email: hsc@asb.dk.

You can apply via the Aarhus University web-based facility (FUA).

Please mark the application with scholarship no.

The following material must be attached:

  • Project description (max. 5 pages), including the expected theoretical and methodological approach.
  • Graduate diploma (including a list of all grades)
  • CV
  • Other material, if any (e.g. publications), which should be taken into account in the assessment

Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Associate Professor Helle Neergaard, Aarhus School of Business, tel. +45 8948 6607, e-mail: hen@asb.dk.

Deadline for application
Monday 1 February 2010 at 12:00 noon. The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert assessment committee, and applicants will receive the committee’s assessment of the individual application and the response to the application from ASB approx. one month after the expiry of the deadline for application.

The assessment of the application comprises an overall assessment of the applicant and his or her qualifications. Particular weight is attached to the project proposal, the grades obtained by the applicant in the study programme, and to whether the applicant, during the study programme or in another manner, has displayed special skills in writing major papers, e.g. a thesis.

Aarhus School of Business is part of Aarhus University. It currently has 480 permanent employees, including 240 researchers. ASB holds the international EQUIS accreditation awarded by the EFMD (European Foundation of Management Development).

Researchers at ASB cover most fields of research in management, economics, business communication and law. ASB has developed a large international network in these fields.

More than 7,000 students are enrolled at the university. Study programmes include six-semester bachelor programmes, four-semester master’s programmes and three-year full-time PhD programmes as well as part-time MBA and diploma courses.

The scientific faculty of the Department of Management includes 32 researchers of whom 7 are full professors. There are also a number of PhD students and research assistants.

Further information about Aarhus School of Business can be found at: www.asb.dk

Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 PhD position in basic and applied cancer research at CNIO, Spain

Deadline: 15th March 2010

In 2008 "la Caixa" Foundation launched a scholarship programme to offer interdisciplinary training and research opportunities to outstanding young graduate students of any nationality to pursue a PhD project at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO).

The "la Caixa"/CNIO international PhD programme offers cross-disciplinary training in state-of-the-art basic and applied cancer research within an international scientific environment. Ten fully funded four year fellowships will be available in 2010. Candidates should have an excellent academic track record, a solid knowledge of English and previous research experience.

Applications must be received by March 15th, 2010.

For further information on this programme and on the different research programmes and groups at the CNIO, please follow the links below:

For More Information: http://www.cnio.es/ing/cursos/programadoctorado.asp